2. Use appropriate phrases to make similar

dialogues about some of the following

situations with a partner.

- Have Ss work in pairs .

Listen and copy down

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of

class .

- Give feedback

* Post – speaking: (5’)

Situation :

A receptionist wants to help a tourist who

needs to go to the nearest bank

Work in groups to guess

Receptionist : ………?

Tourist : yes . Can you ………..?

the missing words in the

song .

Receptionist : Sure . Turn right when you get

Report their predictions .

out of the hotel . Turn left at the first

corner .

………... your right .

Tourist :………

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the

dialogue and move around the class and help

Listen to the tape and

Ss .

- Call on some Ss to practice the dialogue in

check their predictions

front of the class .


Pre - listening : ( 6’)

Introduce the topic of the listening and

some new words to Ss .

Read their answers .