3. Read and answer .(Choose one of 3 or 4)- Ask Ss to look at the picture on P.25 and read the title and T – whole classinstruction.- Set the context: You’ve got two invitation cards: one from Lan Huong and one from Peter Brown. Look at the invitation cards and find the answers to these questions(point to the questions)Individually 10’- Read each line on the invitation cards, pausing at times to check Pair – work/ Ss’ comprehension, using the questions providedGroup work- Elicit and recall any vocabulary that Ss will need to understand the text: cordially, invited, celebration, celebrating (Write the words on the board and Ss repeat a few times)- Read the cards again and get Ss to repeat each line a few times.- Ss take turns to ask and answer the questions- Call some pairs to report the answer to the class. Whole class