Unit 9-12Task 1. Look, point and say. There is one example.Teacher says this: Minimum responseBack-up questions:Teacher doesthis:expected fromStudent:Puts 6 cards Looks at the cards Look at the on the desk. and listens to T.pictures.Points to card 1. Now, look at card 1 and say out the Puts card 1 Points to the cards. away.words: listening toSays out the words:music.Now you look, What are they doing? (Card 2) Watching a point and say whatAre they watching a video.they are doing.video?(Card 3) Making kites.Are they making kites?… making paper (Card 4) Making planes?paper planes.(Card 5) Drawing … drawing pictures?… painting masks?(Card 6) Painting masks.Task 2. Listen and answer the questions. There is one example.Look at this card.Takes 1 of the Looks at the cards.Points to the Listens to questions corresponding 6 cards.cards, repeats the and answers.questions; then I don't know asks questions if necessary.him/her but you characters in know. Now listen the cards 7 -12respectively.and answer the His/Her name's Hakim.questions.Is he/she Hakim? (Tom, Tony, Linda, What's his/her Nam, Akiko)name?He's/She's from Is he/ she from Malaysia. (America, Australia, England, VietMalaysia? Where is he/she (America, Australia,Nam, Japanese)from?England, Viet Nam, Japanese)He/She likes ...Does he/she like Art? (Maths, P.E, Science, He's/She's drawing a favourite subject?Vietnamese, Music)picture. (doing Math What is he/she exercises,playing Is he/she drawing adoing?football,skipping, picture? (doing reading a book, text, Math singing a song)Yes, he/she is.reading a book, No, he/she isn't.text, singing a song)Is he/she …?