8. Past Simple Tense (Thỡ quaự khửự ủụn)

need any help? Shall + I + V + O /

- Use : Dieón taỷ haứnh ủoọng xaỷy ra vaứ keỏt

A ? Ex: May I help you?

thuực taùi moọt thụứi ủieồm xaực ủũnh ụỷ quaự khửự

* WILL: duứng ủeồ dieón taỷ lụứi yeõu caàu , ủeà

- Form: + S + V


/ V

2 ( column irregular)


nghũ hoaởc lụứi hửựa

………… Ex : - He arrived here yesterday.

- Will + you + V + O + A / M ,

- S + didn’t + V + ……….

please? Dieón taỷ lụứi yeõu caàu.

- She didn’t go to school

Ex: Will you turn of the fan, please


? I’m cold.

? Did + S + V + ……… ?

- I + will + V + O + A / M ? dieón taỷ

- Did you clean this table?

lụứi ủeà nghũ laứm ủieàu gỡ cho ai .

- Note: Thỡ quaự khửự ủụn thửụứng ủửụùc

Ex: The phone is ringing . I’ll

duứng vụựi caực cum tửứ chổ thụứi gian xaực

answer for you.

ủũnh ụỷ quaự khửự : last week / month /

- S + will + V + O + A / M ? dieón

year . . ., a week / 3 days / 5 months . . . ,

taỷ lụứi hửựa . Ex: I’m sory. This won’t

yesterday, yesterday morning / evening,

happen again.

In+ naờm, from 2000 to2005

* Would / Do you + mind + . . . + ?

- Caựch ủoùc caực ủoõng tửứ ụỷ quaự khửự ủụn vụựi

T: reviews the structure

dieón taỷ lụứi yeõu caàu lũch sửù .

“ ED”:

Questions with “WHY”

- Would you mind + V-ing ( gerund) ?

+ “ ED”: ủửụùc ủoùc laứ /t/ khi nhửừng ủoọng

Simple Tense (

Ex:Would you mind telling me the result

tửứ nguyeõn maóu coự aõm taọn cuứng laứ /f/,


of the exam.

/k/, /p/, /s/,/t  /, /  /.

Ss: listen and give the use of the

- Would / Do you mind if + I + V . . .?

Ex : laughed , asked , helped ,


dieón taỷ yeõu caàu ủửụùc laứm ủieàu gỡ

watch , pushed , dressed , ………

T: Explains again and gives

Ex: Would you mind if I opened the


+ “ ED”: ủửụcù ủoùc laứ /id/ khi nhửừng ủoọng

window? Do you mind if I open the

Ss: listen and write in their

tửứ nguyeõn maóu coự aõm taọn cuứng laứ /d/ vaứ


