

Objective 3.6

Monitor and Configure Multiprocessor Computers

D. Correct:

This process replaces the uniprocessor kernel with the multiprocessor

kernel. The specific files you need vary depending on the exact hardware being

used; contact your hardware manufacturer to determine which version of the HAL

and kernel you need. You should name the HAL file Hal.dll and the kernel files

Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntkrnlpa.exe.

24 Monitoring and Optimizing System Performance and Reliability

Windows XP gives administrators the ability to carefully monitor and tune system per-

formance. Tools such as the Task Manager, the Performance utility, and a suite of com-

mand-line utilities allow for both real-time and historical performance data analysis.

Trace logs function very similarly, and are used to troubleshoot system problems and

debug applications.

Tuning the performance of portable computers is more complicated than tuning desk-

top systems because administrators must balance battery life with performance. Win-

dows XP provides power schemes to allow users to quickly change a system’s power

consumption. Power schemes, combined with standby and hibernation features, dra-

matically increase battery life when a system is not in use.

Sometimes, problems are unavoidable. Windows XP provides a full set of troubleshoot-

ing tools to resolve these problems when they arise. The System Restore tool captures

system configuration information, and can reapply a working configuration if the sys-

tem later becomes unreliable. Functionality such as the Last Known Good Configura-

tion can allow Windows XP to boot even if a faulty driver was installed. Safe mode and

the Recovery Console provide administrators with the ability to repair even the most

damaged Windows XP installations.

Tested Skills and Suggested Practices

The skills that you need to successfully master the Monitoring and Optimizing System

Performance and Reliability objective domain on the Installing, Configuring, and

Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional exam include the following:

Monitor, optimize, and troubleshoot performance of the Windows XP Professional


Practice 1: Use Task Manager to determine which process is currently con-

suming the most processor time.

Practice 2: Change the fields on the Processes tab of Task Manager so that

every possible field is visible.

Practice 3: Use Task Manager to change the priority of an application so that

it runs at high priority.