15-13Lesson 1 Configuring Local Area Network (LAN) Connections

Select this option if your connection uses a modem and a regular or Integrated Ser-

vices Digital Network (ISDN) phone line. If you select Connect Using A Dial-Up

Modem and click Next, you are prompted to enter the information in Table 15-1.

Table 15-1 Connect Using A Dial-Up ModemNew Connection Wizard Page Description

Connection Name The name of your ISP is typically used as the connection name

for dial-up connections to the Internet.

The phone number you use to connect to your ISP.

Phone Number

To Dial

Internet Account

You will be prompted to enter the ISP account name and pass-


word. You can select or clear the following two check boxes:

Use This Account Name And Password When Anyone

Connects To The Internet From This Computer

Make This The Default Internet Connection

Note The New Connection Wizard automatically enables Windows Firewall for all new connections. See Lesson 5 for more information.

When you have entered the information on each of the pages listed in Table 15-1, the

New Connection Wizard displays the Completing The New Connection Wizard page,

which displays a summary of the information you entered to manually create a connection

to the Internet. If you want a shortcut to appear on your desktop, select the Add A Short-

cut To This Connection To My Desktop check box. Click Finish to create the connection.

Connect Using A Broadband Connection That Requires A User And Password

Select this option if your high-speed connection uses either a digital subscriber

line (DSL) or cable modem. This type of connection is also known as Point-to-

Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). If you select Connect Using A Broadband

Connection That Requires A User And Password and click Next, you are also

prompted to enter the information in Table 15-1.

Connect Using A Broadband Connection That Is Always On

Select this option if your high-speed connection uses a cable modem, DSL, or LAN

connection. If you select Connect Using A Broadband Connection That Is Always

On, the New Connection Wizard displays the Completing The New Connection

Wizard page because the connection should already be configured and working.

Use The CD I Got From An ISP If you select Use The CD I Got From An ISP on the

Getting Ready page, and then click Next, the New Connection Wizard displays the

Completing The New Connection Wizard page. You are instructed to click Finish and

then insert the CD-ROM you received from your ISP. The Setup program on the CD-

ROM should start automatically to assist you in connecting to the Internet.

Connect to a Private Network at Your Workplace

If you want to connect to a private network, select Connect To The Network At My

Workplace on the Network Connection Type page (refer to Figure 15-7) and click Next.

The New Connection Wizard displays the Network Connection page, which has the

following two options:

Dial-Up Connection

Virtual Private Network Connection

Dial-Up Connection Select this option if you want to connect to the network at your

office using a modem and phone line or an ISDN phone line. If you select Dial-Up

Connection and click Next, you are prompted to enter the information in Table 15-2.

Table 15-2 Dial-Up Connection Information

Connection Name The name of your company or the name of the server to which

you will be connecting is typically used as the connection name for

dial-up connections when you are connecting to a private network.

Phone Number To Dial The phone number used to make the connection.

When you have entered the information on each of the pages listed in Table 15-2, the

which displays a summary of the information you entered to create the connection. If

you want a shortcut to appear on your desktop, select the Add A Shortcut To The Con-

nection To My Desktop check box. Click Finish to create the connection.

Virtual Private Network Connection Select this option if you want to connect to the

network at your office using a virtual private network (VPN) connection over the Inter-

net. If you select Virtual Private Network Connection and click Next, you are prompted

to enter the information in Table 15-3.

Table 15-3 Virtual Private Network Connection Information

Connection Name The name of your company or the name of the server to which you

will be connecting is typically used as the connection name.

VPN Server Selection The host name or IP address of the VPN server to which you are
