2. Point and say


* Activity 2. (10’)

a.New words

- T:Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page

24 and identify the characters

- T:set the scene and model new words.

-map: bản đồ

- Ss: listen and repeat.

- sofa: ghế sô pa

- Ss: work individually.

- wardrobe: tủ đựng quần áo

check vocabulary: Rub out and

- cupboard: tủ đựng bát


- T:Use the puppets/picture to introduce the


-T:Explain the requirement of this part as

well as the sentence patterns

b. Model sentences.

-Model: T-S, S-S

- Are there any ... in the room?

Yes, there is/ No, there isn't

- Ss -Practice in pairs

A: Are there any sofas in the

+ run through all the pictures


B:Yes, there is

+ practice

T-S S-T half-half Open

A:Are there any chairs in the

pairs Close pairs

B: No, there isn't

-T:Check the pronunciation( stress,

a. Practice.

assimilation of sound and intonation),offer

help when necessary.

- Picture a

- T:Get feedback: Call on some pairs to

- Picture b

- Picture c

perform in front of the class.

- Picture d

-T:Make checking understanding questions

(in Vietnamese)

* Game: chain game.

- Ss listen to music and give one by one a

box. When music stops who has a box will

introduce the partner next to him/her Then

the others greet

* Activity 3.(7’)

-T: Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 24

Let's talk

and indentify the characters.

-T: Guide Ss to practice introducing some

room thing.

- Are there any ... in the

-T: Asks Ss practice in pairs and introduce


- Yes, there is/ No, there isn't

some their classmates.

-Ss: work in pairs.

Are there any ... in the room?

-T: Call someone to perform at the front of

the class

- T: Comment