2. Comrehension questions: (10m)a. She works at home.b. She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week.c. He’s a mechanic.d. He works about 40 hours a week.T: ask ss to read the text e. They always goes to Florida on vacation.again and work in pairs to answer the questions of B 1 on page 76. T: give feedback. Correct if necessary * Transformation writing: (7m)D. Post- reading:T: ask ss to rewrite the letter by replacing the information about Tim’s with the information abouttheir own family..IV. Sumarry: (2m)T: Remark all period aloud and ask ss some more questions ( in oral )Ss: Listen carefully and answer *Homework : - Practise more at home ( write their letter on the notebook)- Prepare B 2,3 ,4,Remember.*Evaluation: