2. Practical background

In general, teachers described the structure of each question for students to grasp

this question but basically conveying methods are also quite embarrassing, Response of

student to these questions seems to be machinelike, less accurate and meet much trouble.

For the students, they had access to English at the primary school, however they

only learn English language in a modeled and machinelike way, they do not think much

about grammar, spelling. When answering the questions, especially the question "Wh-

question", the answer seems to be inertial, according to the pronunciation way that

teachers often train their students. For example, students always answer, "I am a student"

to the question "what does she do?”. They are not noticed the differences, the auxiliary

verb and the subject in the question. Considering that this is a way of learning like a

machine and lack of thinking. Through a survey for students of grade 6, I offer 10


*Answer the following questions: