104. Compare and contrast the three perspectives on the family—family is deteriorating, family is changing, not deteriorating, or family is stronger than ever—as to how they would view the increase in unmarried couple households in the United States.Family is deteriorating: This perspective is worried that we are in a “marriage crisis” and would view unmarried couple households as part of the larger “family decay” in our society, which includes high rates of divorce and children born out of wedlock, latchkey children, single parent families, and an increase in the number of people deciding not to get married. This perspective would argue that couples live together rather than marry because they lack individualresponsibility, lack commitment to each other, and are just plain selfish. Couples who do not marry are putting their own needs above family duties. This perspective would argue that marriage exists for the sake of the children and not just for adults and a couple who is not married is not stable enough to raise kids well. Family is changing, not deteriorating: This perspective argues that the changes in the family we are experiencing today are extensions of long-standing family patterns. This perspective also notes that there have always been problems in the family, and that today’s families are not as bad off as some people think. If people are living together before getting married, this may be in response to divorce rates that have been increasing over many years. Andif in fact people postpone marriage until they are older, are more mature, and have stable careers,this may be a good thing. Also, the family over all is coping with these societal changes and can adapt to alternatives to marriage such a living together. Family is stronger than ever: This perspective would argue that the family is much more strong and loving today than it was in the past because family members have more equitable roles at home and are more accepting of diverse family forms (such as unmarried couple homes). Also, most Americans believe that marriage is a lifetime commitment that should end only under extreme circumstances, and living together before marriage may be a way of trying to make that happen.(Conceptual; pages 18)