3.New lesson:* Pre-reading(12 )’- T asks some questions:+ Do many people from rural areas move to Newwords:live in the city nowadays?- rural (a)+ Why do they want to go to the city?- struggle (n,v)( good jobs, earn more money, better - typhoon (n)facilities )…- flood (n)+ What happens when so many people - drought (n)move to the city?( overcrowd- well-paying (a)population increase, strain, )…- increase (n) - Through the guiding questions , T - overcrowd (v)introduces some newwords- create (v)- strain (n)+ urban (a)- T introduces the content of the text- migrant (n)and reads the text first, Ss listen and find - human side (n)newwords - tragedy (n)- Guides Ss to read newwords- apart (adv)- Some Ss read newwords again- supply (n,v) * While- reading(15 )’- Asks Ss to read the text in silence (2’)- Asks some questions:+ Where are many people from the countryside leaving their house to go and live?+ Do these people feel that the city has more well-paying jobs ?+ What does the increased population