3.1 Find out the function of the question:

To use the question in a scientific way, the teacher must first understand

the function of the question. The question is used for different purposes in each

stage of the teaching process. a-

Introduction phase of the language

During this phase, questions are used to:

- Inspire students before the lesson

- Deploy students into new assignments

- Creating situation, context, introducing the lesson

- Create communication needs

- Clarify the need for practice

- Tutorial guidance, help students master new material

- Check the level of understanding of the newly introduced language.

b-stage of practice

The question is used to:

- check comprehension or listening comprehension

- practice new material

- suggestive guidance, focus students attention on the main content or the

content to detect to understand better.

- Practice listening and speaking skills.

- Get feedback.

c-Stage of evaluation evaluation

At this stage, use questions to assess the level of comprehension of

students as well as test their knowledge.