20. ~ Secretary: - Here is your newspaper, Mr. Jones. Would you like anything else? ~ Mr. Jones: - ..., thank you. A. Not at all B. Never mind C. That's good D. That's it for today PART B: CHOOSE THE WORD OR PHRASE THAT BEST FITS EACH SPACE IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. (2.0 PTS) PASSASE l Several new bright colored and diverse frog species have recently been identified on the tropical island of Sri Lanka. The new species were identified by noticeable differences in physical features, habitat, development and genetic (1)... Some are tiny and dwell on the ground, whereas others are large and (2)...trees. Five of the new species lay eggs in homespun baskets suspended (3)...water, so that when the eggs (4)...tadpoles have no difficulty (5)...their first swim. The remaining new frog species give birth to their young by producing eggs on the forest (6)... These frogs bypass the tadpole stage and emerger as miniatures (7)...of their parents. Frogs and other amphibians are important indicators of ecological balance; therefore a decline their numbers would be considered a warning that (8)...of the natural environment for a particular area is needed. (9)...that Sri Lanka has already lost much of its forests, measures to protect the remaining forest fragments are (10)... . Since many frogs produce chemicals that could have practical applications in health care and medical treatment, they are a potential source of new drugs. Thus, ensuring that frogs are protected by preserving and restoring their habitat is very important.