
What are the two snap-trapping plants mentioned in the last sentence?

A. The aquatic waterwheel and the terrestrial sundew

B. The Venus flytraps from North and South Carolina

C. Venus flytraps and the aquatic waterwheel

D. Venus flytraps and the terrestrial sundew


I. CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the texts below and complete each space with


suitable word.

Passage A

It is common knowledge that rainfall in the mountains directly influences nearby river levels. Yet recent

research has revealed that some efforts are not seen (1)______ fifty years after the rain has fallen. A study

by a civil engineering professor investigated the (2) ______ it takes for precipitation to travel from

mountains to valleys (3) ______ underground aquifers, or water passages. Using a computer model, this

scientist (4) ______ on the water levels of a major river in the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico. His model

showed that a drought that occurred fifty years ago could be partly to (5) ______ for current low water

levels. The model assumed a fifty-year wet climate cycle followed by an abrupt change in which precipitation

was cut in half. For decades, there was no change in the base flow of the Rio Grande, (6) ______ after fifty

years that dry cycle (7) ______ up in the river. Previously, (8) ______ such as how much water to store and

(9) ______ from reservoirs have been based on a conservative view, because it has been hard to predict

streamflows years (10) ______. However, if additional research supports this study, the much-delayed

impact of droughts on underground water levels would have significant implications for water management.

Passage B

Over one hundred brightly colored and diverse frog species have recently been identified on the tropical

island of Sri Lanka. The new species were identified by noticeable (11) ______ in physical features, habitat,

development, and genetic make-up. Some are tiny and dwell on the ground, whereas (12) ______ are large

and inhabit trees. Five of the new (13)______ lay eggs in homespun baskets suspended above water, so

that when the eggs (14) ______ the tadpoles have no difficulty taking their first (15) ______. The remaining

new frog species give birth to their young by producing eggs on the forest floor. These frogs (16)______ the

tadpole stage and emerge as miniature (17) ______ of their parents.

Frogs and other amphibians are important indicators of ecological balance; therefore a decline in their

numbers would be considered a warning that (18) ______ of the natural environment for a particular area is

needed. (19) ______ that Sri Lanka has already lost 95% of its forests, measures to protect the remaining

forest fragments are crucial. Since many frogs produce chemicals that could have practical applications in

health care and medical treatment, they are a potential source of new drugs. Thus, ensuring that frogs are

protected by preserving and restoring their (20) ______ is very important.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.