7.3.5  Sufficient  Size  of  Insurance  Community  

The Dutch Association of Insurers was correct in its assessment that to offer affordable flood insurance

to the Netherlands, a large insurance community is a probable condition for success. Building a large

enough risk community is a key contributory factor in meeting the basic insurance principles of

mutuality and economic viability. Mutuality is achieved if a sufficient number of people see a benefit

great enough to voluntarily enter into the insurance system. A form of private insurance system would

also been regarded as more publicly legitimate if its mutual base is larger. A system with a larger risk


community will have more revenues from which to pay for future losses, which is clearly important for

long-term financial viability. In the Netherlands, as things stand, despite the fact that sixty to seventy

per cent of houses are theoretically at high risk of flooding, private insurers will not find it easy to build a

large risk community under a voluntary flood insurance scenario. This is borne out by the experience of

the only private insurer of floods, Neerlandse, which is not selling its insurance policies in particularly

large volumes (EP, 2013). Without sufficient demand for flood insurance private flood insurance will be

the preserve of the most risk adverse members of Dutch society or those who have recently been

exposed to flooding. Without an increase in demand, flood insurance will be a relatively small-scale

business sector for the foreseeable future.