2. Pedagogical implications

The pedagogical implication is that the teachers for Cookery in the context should make

use of explicit vocabulary instruction in classroom teaching.


As supported by some past research and the findings of the present study, the explicit

vocabulary presentation method as compared to the implicit vocabulary teaching method

has more positive effects on the subjects’ second language vocabulary acquisition. These

effects can be explained in terms of students’ performance of learnt vocabulary. It can be

suggested that explicit vocabulary instruction should not be avoided but used optimally in

the classroom when teaching ESP vocabulary. It is worth applying explicit method in order

to draw students’ attention to vocabulary learning which most students find difficult to

learn. However, there are hidden worries that too much instruction may promote lazy

learners as explicit vocabulary teaching may require less mental effort, so it is important to

use explicit vocabulary teaching techniques which are more student-centered in order to

motivate students to learn from processes and also from using the language. With more

interactive explicit instruction on vocabulary teaching, class time can be used more

efficiently and effectively to facilitate overall English language acquisition.