30. A. beauty

B. beautiful

C. beautify

D. beautifully


TOPIC : Write an essay to discuss the benefits of doing exercise.

Health, for long, has been considered to be the most valuable thing one possesses.

Improving health is always a prior task in one’s daily routine. And the simplest, cheapest, but the

most effective way to better one’s health is doing regular exercise. In other words, exercising gives

us certain benefits.

One advantage of doing exercise is to reduce stress. People who exercise are likely to feel

more relaxed, healthier, and of course happier.

Another benefit exercising brings us is that we will feel more energetic to face and

overcome our daily difficulties. Doing exercise helps us reduce the possibilities of being ill, protects

us from some fatal diseases as heart disease, cancers and diabetes.

The other good thing we are to mention about exercise is that doing exercise helps us feel

more self-confident. We discover ourselves when taking part in sport events. We know exactly

what we can do or what abilities, talents we possess.

To sum up, doing exercise enables people to have good body-buildings, keep fit and brings

exercisers many benefits. Sparing time doing exercise will ensure us a longer, healthier and

happier life.