7.1.4 Minimize the input actions

Using fewer input actions provides greater productivity and fewer chances for error. It is

preferable to make a choice by a single keystroke, mouse selection or a single finger

press, rather then to type in a string of characters. Since the users competence regarding

computers varies, and a wish for more mouse input actions has come up during the

interviews, this is an important aspect.

As a lot of the user’s interaction with the Operations Monitor will be dealing with the

retrieval of information, and because of the relatively low amount of user input through

keyboard, it is preferable to use the mouse as the main source of input. Keyboard

shortcuts can be provided as a complement, if an advanced user wishes to use the

Operations Monitor in a quicker fashion. Keyboard entry will naturally still exist, for

example when the user enters information into the database. There should also be the

possibility for the user to customize own macros.

Make it possible for the user to regret action by providing an “undo” or “back”

button. The Operations Monitor should strive to make it impossible, or at the very least

difficult, to make mistakes. Having the possibility to undo actions will greatly increase the

trust the users have for the system.