3. Below are some ideas.

Problems caused:

an increase in the number of retired people (who will receive a pension); a smaller

proportion of young adults; smaller working populations; a greater tax burden on

working adults; demand for healthcare will rise; young adults will have to look after

elderly relatives

Possible solutions:

people may have to retire later; the state pension age will rise; medical advances and

health programmes might allow elderly people to stay healthy and work for longer;

people should be encouraged to have more children; governments should encourage

immigration (in order to increase the number of younger adults)



PS. Yesterday I sent a "problem / solution" essay template to everyone on my email

list. You are on the list if you have bought the

Following on from yesterday's listening lesson, here is a paragraph explaining some

of the benefits of nuclear power:

There are several benefits to building more nuclear power stations. Firstly, nuclear

power is a sustainable energy source, meaning that it can be used to produce

electricity without wasting limited natural resources like coal, oil or gas. Secondly,

nuclear power stations are cleaner than fossil fuel power stations, and could help to

reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming. With improvements in nuclear

technology, the risks of accidents are being reduced. As a result, many countries are

now considering nuclear power as a solution to high oil and gas prices, increasing

demand for electricity, and worries about pollution and climate change.

Read, analyse and use the paragraph:

How many sentences are there, and what does each sentence do?

Note the main ideas and collocations (e.g. sustainable energy source).

Try to rewrite the paragraph using only your notes.

PS. I'll send a 'disadvantages' paragraph about this topic to people on my email list

(people who have bought the

What problems do children face in today's world? What should we do to address or

solve these problems?

Here are some ideas from my

The lack of closeness in families can have a negative effect on children.

Many parents have no idea how their children spend their time.

Friends, television and the Internet have become the main influences on

children’s behaviour.

Teenagers are influenced by peer pressure.

Juvenile delinquency is on the increase.

Parents should be more involved with their children’s upbringing.

Young people need positive role models.

Can you think of any more problems that children face, or suggest other solutions? Is

it the responsibility of parents, schools or governments to tackle these problems?


What are the benefits and drawbacks of immigration or multi-cultural societies?

Here is a paragraph giving some of the economic benefits of immigration:

From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive. Many

immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to. For example,

countries sometimes lack key workers like doctors and nurses, and immigration is

therefore encouraged. Immigrants who find work contribute to the economy of their

new country with the skills they bring and the taxes they pay. At the same time, many

immigrants send money to help family members in their home country, therefore

helping to boost that economy too.

Can you think of any social benefits of immigration? Are there any economic or

social disadvantages?

PS. I'll send a few extra paragraphs about this topic to people on my email list (people

who have bought the

Sometimes, the best way to think of ideas for an essay is to start with an example.

One good example can give you enough ideas for a full paragraph.

Look at the following question:

Should governments make decisions about people's lifestyle, or should people make

their own decisions?

This question seems difficult, but if you take "smoking" as an example of a lifestyle

choice, it becomes a lot easier. Here's my paragraph:

In some cases, governments can help people to make better lifestyle choices. In the

UK, for example, smoking is now banned in all workplaces, and it is even prohibited

for people to smoke in restaurants, bars and pubs. As a result, many people who used

to smoke socially have now given up. At the same time, the government has ensured

that cigarette prices keep going up, and there have been several campaigns to

highlight the health risks of smoking. These measures have also helped to reduce the

number of smokers in this country.

PS. There is a useful chapter about 'government and society' in my

Would you be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic

engineering? Here are some ideas from my


- Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism.

- It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases.

- Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly.

- Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering.

- It may become possible to change a person's genetic characteristics.

- Scientists may use genetic engineering to cure diseases.

- Inherited illnesses would no longer exist.

- Genes could be changed before a baby is born.

- It could also be possible to clone human organs.

- We could have replacement body parts.

- Humans could live longer, healthier lives.

As you can see, I've only listed the advantages. Can you think of any disadvantages?

PS. I've sent some paragraphs about this topic to people on my

Many people believe that parents are not as close to their children as they used to

be. Suggest some reasons why this could be true.

Here is an example paragraph about the above topic:

Parents and their children seem to be less close nowadays. Perhaps the main reason

for this is that both parents often work full-time and therefore spend less time with

their children. Whereas women traditionally stayed at home to cook, clean and look

after children, many mothers now choose to work or are forced to do so. This means

that children may be left alone, or with nannies or babysitters. Busy parents have less

contact with their children and less energy to enjoy family activities. Many families

no longer eat meals together, and children are given the freedom to go out with

friends, watch television or chat on the Internet for hours.

Please note:

A full IELTS question would also ask you to suggest how families could become


For IELTS Writing Task 2, keep your introduction short and simple. Don't waste time

writing a long introduction; the main body paragraphs are more important.

A good IELTS Writing introduction needs only 2 things: