5. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings obtained, the researcher recommends the followings: - First, enhance their intrinsic motivation by providing them with interesting activities that they like and discuss them the reason why they are doing this one. Moreover, teachers show them how each task helps them towards the goal of learning English. - Second, improve intrinsic motivation for distance and online learning. This should be clear, timely, friendly, and flexible and may be as effective as traditional learning in terms of student motivation, attitudes, and achievement. The suggestions which may improve the applicability of the findings as well as the reliability of the instruments of the present research are to increase the sample size and to include other aspects of students‘ motivation such as students‘ motivation with their learning progress (show gradual improvements over the semesters), and students‘ motivation with perceptions on their lecturers. REFERENCES[1] Alan Bryman, ―Social Research Methods‖, 4


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