QUESTIONS 05 .686 H 05 .604 H 25 .444 H 15 .587 HINSTRUCTIONS...

4.2. Particularly, clarity of instructions ranks

for clarity of questions with the highest mean

first with the highest mean score (M= 4.20, SD

scores (M= 4.30, SD= .470) whereas the

= 4.10) while the lowest mean score (M= 3.55,

lowest mean score (M=3.10, SD =.967) is for

SD= .6.04) is accounted for the weightage. In

other words, on the whole, the lecturers gave

mark locations.

highly positive comments on the face validity

To sum up, lecturers’ perceptions on

of the reading component.

four IET components are highly positive,

For Writing Component, mean scores for

ranging from 3.72 to 3.94. Among four

all items in the writing component are from

components, Speaking ranks first with the

highest mean score of 3.94 while Listening