40/ Extinct / of/ many / animals /already/ become /have /rare/ species


Read the following passage then answer question 40- 45 . After each question

there are four possible answer marked A, B, C, and D .Choose the correct answer by

circling its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D

One of the most serious problem threatening human life is the dirtying and

poisoning of air and water .It is pollution of our environment .

Air pollution occurs when wastes are poured in to the atmosphere and the air

becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe . We depend for life on the air we

breathe. As that air becomes more and more polluted ,hazards to heath increase .Today

we have industrial air pollutants from factories and mills and engine exhaust fumes.

Vehicles account for sixty percent of air pollution in the cities .That ‘s why some large

cities have to ban cars from the city centre to wipe out smoke and limit the emission of

poisonous gases and dangerous chemicals from industrial smoke stacks in order to

clean the air in our living environment as much as possible.