5. Which of the following is NOT correct?a. All kinds of people can play chess.b. only two people can play chess sitting at the same table.c. Some people write each other playing chess.d. The Russians lost the game player by radio.III. Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best fits each space.Should smoking be banned in public laces?Statistics (1) show beyond doubt that cigarette smoking can (2) damage the health, yet a surprisingly large number of people continue to smoke (3) in spite of all warnings. By doing so they are not just shortening their own lives, they are also affecting the health of (4) those around them. It is time that non-smokers fought bach!Personally, I think smoking should (5) definitely be banned in public places. In the first place, it is very unpleasant (6) to sit in a smoke-filled room, such as a restaurant or cinema, if you do not yourself smoke (7) added to this, smoking can be a serious fire risk, especially in crowed places (8) like discos. Finally, in my opinion, nobody should be asked to risk his heath just because of another person’s bad habits.Smokers may (9) protest that they should be free to do as they like. They say that we already have no-smoking areas in public places, and that this should be enough. To my mind, however, non-smokers should also be free to go anywhere they choose without risking their health.Smoking is harmful not just to smokers but to non-smokers too. If some people are foolish enough to continue this dangerous habits, it seems to me that they should at least be prevented (10) from doing so in public.