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Quang Tri Town High School THE FIRST MID-TERM EXAMINATION (2021-2022)


Some people think that teenagers are too young to know what love actually is. In fact, love never comes with

age. Teenagers are old enough to know what love means. Some parents think the responsibility of teenagers

is to study, not to love. From their viewpoint, love can sometimes lead to heartbreak and they are afraid that

their children will be broken-hearted when the relationship ends. However, Life is a challenging journey with

various levels of sentiment. Heartbreak after a breakup may be a painful experience to go through, but it will

help teenagers become stronger and make better choices next time. It is not wrong for teenagers to start a

healthy relationship but it would be better if they knew how to maintain a balance between studies and

relationships. It is also important for parents to have open conversations with teens about their feelings and

relationships. Furthermore, standing by teenagers, being a shoulder for them to cry on and helping them deal

with ups and downs are essential.

Read the text and answer the questions(1.5pts)