68. The speed at which the motorcyclist rounded the corner was quite unbelievable.

Part 2:

Sample 1: A cool teacher

The person I admire most is my grade 4 teacher, Ms. Muir. She was my inspiration. She was a poet and

gave me ideas for my stories. I followed in the footsteps of Ms. Muir because she was fun and loved

reading and writing just as much as I do. Ms. Muir always gave me guidance, encouragement and a

whole lot of enjoyable things to do in grade four! Also, if something happened that bothered me or

annoyed me, Ms. Muir did the best she could to fix the problem, whatever it was. In grade four, during

Writing Workshop, Ms. Muir encouraged my friend and me to write a book after we told her our idea .

On a previous blog homework in grade 5, about why Kindree is the best, I wrote a poem. Believe it or not,

the idea of writing that poem was inspired by Ms. Muir and her love of poetry. Ms. Muir was an awesome

teacher who motivated me. I really admire Ms. Muir and she inspires me.

Sample 2: A father

The person I admire most in my life is my dad. He is my role model. My dad takes me everywhere he

goes. My dad is very good at everything. I admire the way he dresses. I also admire the way he deals with

his problems. He takes me to soccer and stuff like that. He wants me to know everything he knows and

even more. Everyone in my family look up to him. my dad loves helping in the way he can. When I get

hurt or fell sad, he shows me the way out. Whenever I break my glasses, he fixes them. My dad always

has good listening ears and I can talk to him about everything. He always gives good advice. I will always

love my dad, a good inspiration.