40. Without working, how is one's life?

A. better B. more confident C. prouder D. boring

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is

(41)_______ one of the (42)_______ important subjects. High school

students are required to study mathematics even though they are

interested (43)_______ it or not. Up to now, no one knows exactly the

time (44)_______ the early people began (45)_______ on mathematics.

Mathematics has been developed today. It is no longer only figures,

simple calculation, and forms. Mathematics (46)_______ into branches,

(47)_______ arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry; other

branches have gradually been added. The (48)_______ of the electronic

computer is one of the great (49)_______ in mathematics. Thank to

computers, we can (50)_______ a lot of time when solving problems.