1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of

the illness in 1945.

Ronald Reagan, who was elected in 1980 and reelected four years later, suffered an assassination

attempt but did not succumb to the assassin's bullets. He was the first to break the long chain of

unfortunate events. Will the candidate in the election of 2020 also be as lucky?

Question 47. All of the following were election years EXCEPT _______

A. 1888 B. 1860 C. 1963 D. 1960

Question 48. Which president served the shortest term in office?

A. Abraham Lincoln B. Warren G. Harding

C. William H. Harrison D. William McKinley

Question 49. Which of the following is true?

A. Only presidents from Ohio have died in office.

B. All presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office.

C. Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four terms as president.

D. Four American presidents have been assassinated.

Question 50. How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office?

A. 5 B. 7 C. 4 D. 3

Question 51.The word "inauguration" in the first paragraph means most nearly the same as

A. campaign B. election C. acceptance speech D. swearing-in ceremony

Question 52. All of the following presidents were assassinated EXCEPT _______

A. Abraham Lincoln B. Franklin D. Roosevelt

C. James A. Garfield D. John F. Kennedy

Question 53. The word "assassinated" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ____

A. sickened B. honored C. decorated D. murdered

Question 54. The word "whom" in the second paragraph refers to _______

A. Garfield B. a Union army general C. McKinley D. Garfield's assassin

Question 55. In the third paragraph, "contracted" is closest in meaning to _______

A. notified B. agree about C. developed D. communicated about

Question 56. How long did Warren G, Harding work as a president?

A. 4 years B. 3 months C. 2 years D. 3 years

Choose the option which is CLOSEST in meaning with the underlined one.

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Question 57. If petrol price go up any more, I shall have to use a bicycle.

A. ascend B. develop C. increase D. raise

Question 58. There were so many members of the political party who had gone against the leader

that he resigned.

A. invited B. opposed C. insisted D. apposed

Question 59. I didn't go to work this morning . I stayed at home because of the morning rain. A. on

account of B. in addition to C. in spite of D. thanks to

Choose the word or phrase that needs correction.

Question 60. In this hospital they have the best staff and equipments in the whole province. It's

really high standard.

A. whole B. in C. high D. equipments

Question 61. Daisy has such many things to do that she has no time to go out.

A. has B. to do C. to go D. such

Question 62. Heathrow is a very busy airport. You can always see aeroplanes landing and take off.

A. see B. a C. busy D. take off

Question 63. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking.

A. such as B. in the near future C. it is believed D. be used to doing

Question 64. My father used to giving me some good advice whenever I had a problem.

A. problem B. giving C. whenever D. some good advice


Part I. Rewrite the sentences with beginnings given so that they stay the same in meaning.

Question 65: Peter spent a lot of money on video games

A lot of money ____________________________________________________________

Question 66: The dish was so hot, so we couldn’t eat.

If _______________________________________________________________________

Question 67: Flora didn’t know about the news about her parents until she heard it on TV

It was not until _____________________________________________________________

Question 68: Charles was looking forward to the meeting and so was I.

Both _____________________________________________________________________

Question 69: Hugo said to me “I don’t have anything to tell you”

Hugo said that _____________________________________________________________

Part II. Write a paragraph of about 120 words describing the place where you are studying.



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