1. Read this article about giving and receiving presents and answer the following questions.

a, Did a man or woman write the article?

b, Does he or she think men are good at choosing presents?

c, Does he or she think woman are good at choosing presents?

d, What do women and men really want for their birthday? Do you agree?

What people really want for their birthday

But women are sensitive and intuitive so

was my birthday recently, and as


usual I didn't get what I really

they always know the right thing to buy. Right?

wanted. I usually get a bunch of


The big mistake that women make is that

flowers, a book, a box of chocolates and

they usually buy clothes. They buy clothes

electronic gadgets. My family always asks me

because they like them and they want other

what I want, and I always tell them the same

thing - I want a surprise. So this year I got

people to wear the clothes they like. 'You . •

flowers, books, chocolates, and gadgets.

always wear dark colours, and I want to change

Flowers are lovely, but they hardly ever

you, so I'm going to buy you a brightly

last for more than a week and a real present is

coloured tie or a pair of Mickey Mouse socks.'

This is a big mistake. Men don't usually

something you can keep. I always look for the

want brightly coloured ties or silly socks. The

diamond ring hidden in the flowers, but it's

word to remember when you're buying present

never there.

Books are a waste of time, and I hate

for a male is Gadgets. Men like any thing digital

getting chocolates because I'm normally on a

or electronic. Like one of those watches that

tells scuba divers the time in Atlantis.


For his last birthday, I gave my husband a

But gadgets are the worst. Most women

are not interested in gadgets. Men buy gadgets

small torch and a Swiss army knife, the same

present that I once gave to a 12- year- old

for women because men love gadgets. For my

birthday my husband bought me a gadget that

nephew. He was overjoyed.

makes bubbles in the bath, like a Jacuzzi. Last

It's very simple. You can't go wrong if

you always remember the 'G' word for man and

year he got me one of those things you put on

the back of your seat and it massages your back.

the 'J' word for women - and that's 'J' for

What's he trying to tell me? That I deserve

jewellery not 'J' for Jacuzzi.

some little luxuries? I agree with that, but the

little luxuries I like are made of gold or silver.