9. Tidy up the environment by dropping the tables in both sessions.PART II


Indexes have two functions: to enforce primary key and unique constraints, and to improve performance. An application’s indexing strategy is critical for performance. There is no clear demarcation of whose domain index management lies within. When the business analysts specify business rules that will be implemented as constraints, they are in effect specifying indexes. The database administrators will be monitoring the execution of code running in the database, and will make recommendations for indexes. The developer, who should have the best idea of what is going on in the code and the nature of the data, will also be involved in developing the indexing strategy.

Why Indexes Are Needed?

Indexes are part of the constraint mechanism. If a column (or a group of columns) is marked as a table’s primary key, then every time a row is inserted into the table, Oracle must check that a row with the same value in the primary key does not already exist. If the table has no index on the column(s), the only way to do this would be to scan right through the table, checking every row. While this might be acceptable for a table of only a few rows, for a table with thousands or millions (or billions) of rows this is not feasible. An index gives (near) immediate access to key values, so the check for existence can be made virtually instantaneously. When a primary key constraint is defined, Oracle will automatically create an index on the primary key column(s), if one does not exist already.A unique constraint also requires an index. It differs from a primary key constraint in that the column(s) of the unique constraint can be left null. This does not affect the creation and use of the index. Foreign key constraints are enforced by indexes, but the index must exist on the parent table, not necessarily on the table for which the constraint is defined. A foreign key constraint relates a column in the child table to the primary key or to a unique key in the parent table. When a row is inserted in the child table, Oracle will do a lookup on the index on the parent table to confirm that there is a matching row before permitting the insert. However, you should always create indexes on the foreign key columns within the child table for performance reasons: a DELETE on the parent table will be much faster if Oracle can use an index to determine whether there are any rows in the child table referencing the row that is being deleted.Indexes are critical for performance. When executing any SQL statement that includes a WHERE clause, Oracle has to identify which rows of the table are to be selected or modified. If there is no index on the column(s) referenced in the WHERE clause, the only way to do this is with a full table scan. A full table scan reads every row