6...7...8...9...10...Question V (15 points)Fill in each blank with one suitable word. John Lennon was born in Livepool in 1940. He was always (1)... on music and played in pop groups (2)...school and Art College. John got married (3)... Cynthia in 1962 and they had a son, (4)...name was Julian. At that (5)..., John was member of a group (6) ..."The Beatles". Many beautiful songs (7)... written by John and wherever the group went, crowds of fans gathered to see them. They (8) ... scream and faint when "The Beatles" played, and lot of people (9)...their hair cut in a Beatles styles. Soon everyone had heard of "The Beatles" and John was (10) ...richer than he had ever been.Question VI: (10points) Read the text and choose the correct word for each space: English around the world English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you...1... speakers of English from around the world, you ...2.... notice that they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some ...3... in the words they use, including the names of ...4.... objects that are parts of everyone’s daily life. But although pronunciation and ...5... are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers...6.... opposite sides of the world can understand ...7... other quite easily. It does not seem to ...8... where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen ...9... learning English too. If you know English, you are more...10... to be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia.