50. Queen Elizabeth prefers what her jewels should be left in their original setting. A B C D Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase to fill in the blank in the following passage from 51 to 60. Music is universal - it is produced by all cultures. Some scientists believe that music came before speech and (51)... as a development of making calls. In fact, there is (52) ... theory that the earliest languages were chanted or sung rather than spoken. Indeed, in some cultures, music is a form of (53) ... history. The Aboriginal Australians, for example, use music as a means to (54) ... on histories of the land and spirits to the next generation.New evidence suggested that music does not just satisfy the feel-good factor but it is also good for the brain. A study of intellectually (55) ... children showed that they could recall more (56) ... after it was given to them in a song than after it was read to them as story. Researchers also report that people score better on a standard intelligence (57) ...after listening to Mozart. The so-called “Mozart effect” has also been (58) ... by findings that rats (59).... up on Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths or passages, known as a maze. Overall, it seems that in most instances people who suffer from any form of mental (60) ...benefit from listening to music.