7. Today, police officers who work with horses are paid

A. more than their colleagues

B. the same as their colleagues

C. half as much as their colleagues

Practice 3

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

Bill Bryson

I was born in the United states but i have written several travel books about

England. I lived there with my wife and four children for 20 years, but for the last

three years we have lived in the United States. Our children are now learning about

life in the United States. I'm sure they will be happier because they had lived in two

countries. I like Britain and I want to return, but my daughter. Felicity, is going to

start college here soon, so it won't be for another four years.

I have just been to England for six weeks to work on a radio program about

the English language and also to talk about the book I've just written. Most writers

don't like doing this, they don't like traveling around the country, selling their book.

I don't mind it. I like visiting new places and meeting lots of people. It's very

different from the life I have in the united states when I'm writing. In England

people drove me around in big cars and I stayed in expensive hotels. It was good

because i didn't have to pay any bills. Everyone was kind to me and it was fun.