26. A. jokes B. moments C. legends D. times

Question 27-32: Read the passage below then pick out ONE BEST option (A,B,C, D) to

complete each of the following sentences (1.5 points)

In a natural disaster- a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic, eruption, or other calamity- minutes

and even seconds of warning can be the difference between life and death. Because of this,

scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances to

predict when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying how best to analyze and

communicate this information. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives

and property when nature releases its power with devastating results.

In 1998, Hurricane Georges made landfall in Biloxi, Mississipi , after devastating Haiti, Puerto

Rico, and several islands of the Caribbean with torrential rains and winds up to 160km/h. Few

people lost their lives along the Gulf Coast of the United States, although hundreds died in the


This was a very different outcome from 1900, when a hurricane made an unexpected direct hit

on Galveston, Texas, killing at least 6000 people. Effective hurricane warnings explain the

different circumstances at either end of the 20


century – residents of Galveston had no

advance warning that a storm was approaching, while resident of Biloxi had been warned days

in advance of Georges’s approach, allowing for extensive safety precautions.

A day before Georges made landfall, forecasters were predicting that the hurricane could

possibly strike New Orleans. Because much of New Orleans lies very low, the city is at risk

for flooding, they must begin evacuations well before a storm strikes. But evacuation costs

money, it was estimated that the city’s preparations for Georges cost more than $50 million.

After Georges missed New Orleans, some residents questioned the value of the hurricane

forecasts in the face of such high costs.

* evacuation: di tản