2. If you want hands-on experience with every aspect of the exam and you have the extra lab resources needed to do Practice 3, complete Practice 3 as well.

Performing and troubleshooting an attended installation of Windows XP Profes-sional.

Practice 1: Become familiar with the various stages of the installation processby installing Windows XP Professional on computers with no operating sys-tem.

Practice 2: Install Windows XP Professional on a computer running MS-DOSby using the 16-bit installation program (Winnt.exe).

Practice 3: Install Windows XP Professional on a new computer, and thenattempt to add it to an Active Directory service domain by using an accountthat is a member only of the Domain users group. Then, modify domainGroup Policy settings until you can use the same account to successfully addthe computer to the domain.Important For the following task, you should complete at least Practice 1. If you want a more well-rounded understanding of installation options, you should also complete Practices 2 and 3. If you want hands-on experience with every aspect of the exam and you have the extra lab resources needed to do Practices 4 and 5, complete those practices as well.

Performing and troubleshooting an unattended installation of Windows XP Profes-

Practice 1: Learn the command-line switches available with Winnt32.exe.

Practice 2: Launch Setup Manager and create an answer file for an unattendedinstallation of a single computer. Run Setup Manager again, but create auniqueness database file (UDF) for automating the installation of WindowsXP Professional on multiple computers. Verify that the answer file and UDFfile created by Setup Manager work by running a Windows XP Professionalinstallation with them.