5. How can you get around the center of Rome? A. by bus B. by taxi C. by bike D. on foot II. READING: (2,0 marks) A. Read the passage carefully, then circle the best answer: (1,0 m) Coal, oil and natural gas supply modern civilization with most of its power. However, not only are supplies of these fuels limited, but they are a major source of pollution. Therefore, it’s important to improve, explore and develop such alternatives energy sources as nuclear, water, solar and wind power. Each of these alternatives, however, has advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear power plants efficiently produce large amounts of electricity without polluting the atmosphere; however, they are costly to build and maintain, and they create the difficult problem of what to do with nuclear waste. Hydroelectric power is inexpensive and environmentally safe, but impractical for communities located far from moving water. Wind power is a pollution – free source of renewable energy but it can’t be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind. Solar power is renewable, it does not cause pollution and it does not add the earth’s heat load. However, it is difficult to collect and store. Solar power also requires expensive equipment. Thí sinh không được viết vào phần có gạch chéo --- Every source of energy has its disadvantages. One way to minimize them is to use less energy. Conservation efforts coupled with renewable energy resources will ensure supplies of clean, affordable energy for humanity’s future.