5. What is true about the filming of Wolves – A Legend Returns to Yellowstone? A. Some filming is done from the air. B. The cameramen get very close to the wolves. C. All the shots are taken from long distance. PART 2. Questions 6 – 10 You will hear a talk on the radio about the Loch Ness Monster. For questions 6 to 10, complete the sentences. Write only ONE word in each gap. (1.0 point)

The Mysterious Monster

- The head of the Loch Ness Monster has been compared to that of a (6) __________________. - The first published photographic image of the monster is known as the surgeon’s picture. - People argued that a picture taken in 1960 showed a (7) _________________, but experts have proved them wrong. - T. Dinsdale realized that most monster sightings occurred on days when the weather was good. - Most eyewitnesses say they have no interest in getting (8) _____________________ when they report their sightings. - In 1968, an underwater investigation used sonar equipment instead of (9) __________________ to try and find the monster. - An attempt to find the monster by using a (10) ____________________ failed in 1969 because the Loch Ness water is so dirty. Trang 1/7 II. READING (2.0 points) PART 1. You are going to read a newspaper article about our body clock. For questions 1 – 5, choose the answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the article. (1.0 point)

The Body Clock

Why is it that flying to New York from London will leave you feeling less tired than flying to London from New York? The answer may be a clear case of biology not being able to keep up with technology. Deep inside the brain there is a “clock” that governs every aspect of the body’s functioning: sleep and wake cycles, levels of alertness, performance, mood, hormone levels, digestion, body temperature and so on. It regulates all of these functions on a 24-hour basis and is called the circadian clock (from the Latin, circa “about” + dies “day”). This body clock programs us to be sleepy twice a day, between 3-5 a.m and again between