NAM (NOT DO) HIS HOMEWORK AT THE MOMENT.___________________________...

2. Nam (not do) his homework at the moment.______________________________________________________________.V.Hồn tất đoạn văn sau dùng một từ trong khung trống: Minh had a (1)_________ ,he had an (2)_________at 10.30 with Dr Lai but he was (3)_________after talking with Hoa .Minh felt (4)__________scared now.He went to see Dr Lai . She was very (5)__________and told him not to (6)_________she (7)______one of his teethhas a small,(8)________.He had to (9)_________them regularly,After Dr Lai Filled his tooth Minh left,He was very (10)_________VI.Ghép những câu trả lời tương ứng với các câu hởi sau.