5. Intuition described in the passage can be explained by means of _____. ________A. styles B. languages C. patterns D. behavioursII. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each gap in the passage.Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)Scott Newman wouldn't be without his pocket-size TV, which he mainly watches in bed. "I only watchprogrammes which last about half an hour, as any longer one …(1)… my eyes. I use the set for generalentertainment though it is also really good for …(2)… up with current affairs. The main problem withthe set is that it's not …(3)… enough even when you use headphones. The …(4)… is all right as longas nothing moves in front of the aerial". Scott admits to being a gadget man, but doesn't …(5)…buying the set since he uses it nearly every day.Retired engineer Paul Hardcastle has owned a pocket TV for a …(6)… of years. He said, "I use itmostly in the bathroom. I wanted to use it outdoors, but the trouble is that in …(7)… light you can't seethe picture. I use rechargeable batteries as …(8)… ones could cost too much". Paul believes that thissort of TV could be improved if the …(9)… was slightly bigger and it didn't …(10)… up batteries soquickly; he can get only half an hour's viewing before the batteries go flat.