73. A. behaviours B. styles C. attitudes D.habitsExample:00. A. informed B. told C. shown D. saidAnswer:00. CII. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage.MY HOME TOWNI was born in one of (00) ....the... most interesting cities in Malaysia. It has a rich, colourfulhistory and many parts of the city have hardly changed at (74) ...all... during the last five centuries.However, nowadays, it is (75) .. no... longer the trade centre that it once (76) ..was... . It is difficult toimagine that at one time its harbour (77) ...used.. to be visited by over 2,000 ships a week, and that thehuge warehouses along the quayside would have (78) ...been.. full of spices and silks, jewels and tea.The old city centre is small, which (79) ...makes... it very easy to explore (80) ..on.. foot. A riverneatly divides the town, (81) ...not.. only physically but in spirit, too. On one side, you find many grandhouses, but on crossing the river, you find yourself in ancient Chinatown, where you really take a stepback into the past.It is great fun to wander through the colourful, noisy backstreets. As well as having shops that sella wide range of clothes and shoes, some of these streets are also famous (82) ...for... high quality antiques.Unfortunately, most of the bargains disappeared many years ago. However, (83) ..if.. you look aroundcarefully, you can still come across an interesting souvenvir.Example:00.theIII. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.Because writing has become so important in our culture, we sometimes think of it as more realthan speech. A little thought, however, will show why speech is primary and writing secondary tolanguage. Human beings have been writing (as far as we can tell from surviving evidence) for at least