Unit 10: Communication
VII. 54. lack
55. environment 56. on
57. clouds 58. areas 59. time
VIII. 60. H 61. J 62. D
63. G
64. B
65. I
66. F 67. A 68. C 69. E
IX. 70. C 71. C 72. B
73. A
74. D
Southern Thailand hit by smoke from Indonesia
purity, density, gravity, clarity, quality, quantity, additive, positive, primitive,
75. Heavy smoke from forest fires has resulted in the worst pollution for over ten years in
transitive, genitive
southern Thailand.
76. The smoke has threatened local people’s health in seven provinces in the south.
longevity, mentality, facility, priority, authority, majority, minority, fatality,
77. Dangerous levels of pollution were recorded in the Thai city of Songkhla.
reality, community, security, appositive, insensitive, infinitive, inquisitive,
repetitive, definitive, acquisitive
78. Earlier this month, a number of flights to Phuket were cancelled because of the smoke.
continuity, inactivity, capability, hospitality, nationality, similarity, relativity,
79. In the past two months, thousands of forest fires in Indonesia have left bad effects on
visibility, generosity, curiosity, opportunity, university, possibility
Southeast Asia.
II. 1. density
2. security
3. opportunity
4. community
80. Pollution has also increased rates of respiratory illnesses.
5. positive
6. responsibility
IV. 1. D 2. B
3. F
4. A
5. C
V. 1. He has spent about thirty hours on the Internet this week.
I. 1. B
2. D
3. F
4. I
5. H
6. E
7. A
8. G
9. C
2. He goes to bed at half past eleven in the evening.
II. 1. make
2. leave 3. take 4. post 5. send
3. Because she thinks it’s really bad for you.
III. 1. E 2. G
3. I
4. J
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. F 10. H
4. By sending and receiving e-mails.
5. She usually reads about four or five books in a week.
Picture a (a pen): write a letter, write a note
Picture b (a cell phone): send/get a text message, check your messages
I. Do’s:
A, B, C, F, G, H, I, K
Picture c (a computer): send/receive an e-mail, go on the Internet
Don’ts: D, E, J
Picture d (a phone): make a phone call, leave a message
II. Maria,
Picture e (a card): post a letter/card, send a card
Thanks for lunch yesterday. It was great to see you. Let’s continue our conversation about
Picture f (a digital camera): take/send a photo
the project. Maybe it is Wednesday next week at my place. There is still a lot of things to
1. send an e-mail or call someone
2. send an e-mail or send a text message
discuss. By the way, please don’t forget to bring the information we talked about.
3. go on the Internet
4. leave a message
Let me know about next week. See you later.
5. wrote a letter
6. send a card
7. make a phone call or send an e-mail
8. leave a message
III. 1. F 2. I
3. D
4. H
5. G
6. B
7. J
8. A
9. E 10. C
9. send a card or send an e-mail
10. go on the Internet
Email Homework To Teacher
1. will be sharing
2. will be using
3. will be developing 4. will be helping
5. will be using
6. will be changing
7. will be using
8. will be developing
Subject: English Essay from Nguyen Thi Mai
9. will be using
10. will be making
Dear Ms. Lan,
VI. 1. to post
2. to have – (to) drink
3. tidy
4. to stop
My name is Nguyen Thi Lan, and I am your student from class 8C. I have attached my essay
5. doing – to do
6. going
on “Communication in the 21
century”, which is due by the end of today. Thank you for
allowing me to email it to you instead of turning it in during class. I really appreciate if you
I. 1. Hi! Are you free to meet tomorrow for a drink? Where? When? See you! Nick xx
give some comments on my essay so that I will write better in the near future.
Your reply: I am free 2moro 2. How abt seeing @ my house, abt 7? C u soon!
Thank you so much.
2. Hello. We’re having a party this Saturday at my house? Can you come? Are you going to
Best regards, Nguyen Thi Mai
bring anyone? Let me know. Thanks! Mai.
Your reply: Gr8. Wd I bring Mi n Phong 2 the party? Thx 4 invitation. Luv.
II. (Suggested answers)
I. 1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
I’d like to speak to Nick, please. Is he at home now?
II. 6. C 7. A
8. D
9. D
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. D 15. A
Oh. Could you tell him to call/phone me back when he gets home?
III. 16. D 17. B
18. D
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. A
23. D
(your phone number)
IV. 24. cyber-bullying
25. posted
26. homepage
27. view
Thank you so much. Bye for now.
(your own idea)
28. keep in touch with
29. online
III. 1. G 2. D
3. B
4. I
5. E
6. A
7. H
8. J
9. C 10. F
V. 30. C 31. F
32. D
33. B
34. E
35. A
VI. 36. B 37. A
38. D
39. C
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. A
VII. 44. F
45. T
46. T
47. T
48. F
49. F
I. 1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
II. 1. C 2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
Task 1: 1. C
2. C
3. C
III. 1. They carried letters by hand over hundreds of kilometers.
Task 2: 4. D
5. G
6. E
7. F
8. B
9. A
10. C
2. It cost just one penny.
Task 3: 11. F
12. I
13. D
14. B
15. J
16. E
17. G
3. They delivered letters several times a day.
4. They are arranged in the same way as the typewriter.
18. A
19. C
20. H
5. It appeared in the 1870s.
IX. Dear Teacher,
6. Because the talking was perhaps easier than the walking.
My name is Hoang Diem Mi, and I am your student from class 8A. I would like to express
7. It was sent in 1992.
my appreciation for all your efforts in teaching chemistry to our class. I write/ am writing
8. We send over a billion text messages around the world every day.
this letter to apologize for not submitting my lab report on time. I am sorry for forgetting the
She said that Meucci shared a workshop with Bell in the 1860s, and made a “talking
deadline of the report, due last week. I promise that this thing does not happen again. I hope
telegraph” for his wife, who was ill in bed.
for your kind understanding, and accept my late submission.
She said that Meucci didn’t become the inventor because he never took his idea to the
Best regards,
US Patent Office.
Hoang Diem Mi
She also said that Meucci was too poor to pay the $250 that he needed.
X. Dear Ms. Huong,
She said that Bell took/had taken the invention to the Patent Office, and became the
I am sorry that I was absent from your Biology class yesterday. A classmate told me that
handouts for the next lab assignment were given. We have to submit our assignments next
Friday. Can I meet you during tomorrow’s recess to ask some questions about the correct
way to write it? I look forward to speaking to you soon.
He was born in England.
Thank you very much.
He now lives in Massachusetts in the USA.
Best regards,
He looks very ordinary (about sixty years old and with brown hair).
Pham Van Phong
Yes, he did. He went to school in London.
Because both his parents worked with computers.