4.2 Interpreting numerical answers

swer qualifies as a positive or negative instance of

the adjective in the question, and thus interpret the

The second technique aims at determining

indirect response as a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. The prob-

whether a numerical answer counts as a positive

abilistic nature of this technique adheres perfectly

or negative instance of the adjective in the ques-

to the fact that indirect answers are intimately tied

tion (category II in our corpus).

up with uncertainty.

Adjectives that can receive a conventional unit

of measure, such as little or long, inherently pos-

5 Evaluation and results

sess a degree of vagueness (Kamp and Partee,

1995; Kennedy, 2007): while in the extreme cases,

Our primary goal is to evaluate how well we can

learn the relevant scalar and entailment relation-

judgments are strong (e.g., a six foot tall woman

can clearly be called “a tall woman” whereas a

ships from the Web. In the evaluation, we thus ap-

five foot tall woman cannot), there are borderline

plied our techniques to a manually coded corpus

cases for which it is difficult to say whether the

version. For the adjectival scales, we annotated

adjectival predication can truthfully be ascribed

each example for its main predication (modifier, or

adverb–modifier bigram), including whether that

to them. A logistic regression model can capture

predication was negated. For the numerical cases,

these facts. To build this model, we gather distri-

we manually constructed the initial queries: we

butional information from the Web.

For instance, in the case of (3), we can retrieve

identified the adjective and the modified entity in

the question, and the unit of measure in the answer.

from the Web positive and negative examples of

age in relation to the adjective and the modified en-

However, we believe that identifying the requisite

tity “little kids”. The question contains the adjec-

predications and recognizing the presence of nega-

tion or embedding could be done automatically us-

tive and the modified entity. The reply contains the

ing dependency graphs.


unit of measure (here “year-old”) and the numer-

ical answer. Specifically we query the Web using


Otherwise, our model is ruined by references to “young

Yahoo! BOSS (Academic) for “little kids” year-