
Folder Name and Location Shared Name Groups and Permissions


Management Guidelines MgmtGd Managers: Full Control

You have two choices for permissions: you can rely entirely on NTFS permissions and assign

Full Control for all shared folders to the Everyone group, or you can use shared folder permis-

sions according to resource needs. The following suggested shared folders include required

permissions if you decide to assign shared folder permissions.

Share Management Guidelines as MgmtGd. Assign the Full Control permission to the Manag-

ers group.

Share Data as Data. Assign the Full Control permission to the Administrators built-in group.

Share Data\Customer Service as CustServ. Assign the Change permission to the Customer

Service group.

Share Data\Public as Public. Assign the Change permission to the Users built-in group.

Share Applications as Apps. Assign the Read permission to the Users built-in group and the Full

Control permission to the Administrators built-in group.

Share Project Management as ProjMan. Assign the Change permission to the Managers group

and the Full Control permission to the Administrators built-in group.

Share Database\Customers as CustDB. Assign the Change permission to the CustomerDBFull

group, the Read permission to the CustomerDBRead group, and the Full Control permission to

the Administrators built-in group.

Share Users as Users. Create a folder for every employee below this folder. Assign the Full Con-

trol permission to each employee for his or her own folder. Preferably, have Windows XP Profes-

sional create the folder and assign permission automatically when you create each user


Troubleshooting Lab

Why can Sandra open the file but cannot save it in the shared folder? How would you
