15. ...

between managers and staff will help to create good teamwork.

Part five: Word transformation

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the

space in the same line (1pt)


* Pay better attention at the time. Rehearse the information (1)...


afterwards, allowing (2)... longer gaps between each


(3) ... Thus, when you hear a name, say it to yourself, then say it again a


minute later, and so on.

* Tax your brain in a (4) ... of ways. One researcher found that



rats (5)... interesting things to do had better memories than bored rats

* Attach meaning to memory - the more (6) ... an event is,


the better it will be remembered.

* Attach what you want to remember to something already familiar to you.

Let’s say you need to remember ten words; start by (7) ... things


that are well-known to you (8) ... , such as objects in your house,


then associate one of the words with each.


*Have (9)... in your ability to remember things around you.

Don’t (10) ... your brain.


Part six: Reading

Read the passage and fill in each gap with ONE SUITABLE WORD (1.6 pt)

I live in a small village (1) ... Asuka- there are about 450 people there. I love it because it is

(2) ... and life is slow and easy. You never (3) ... to queue in shops or banks. The village is

(4) ... People (5) ... after it and never (6)... rubbish in the streets. The air is pure because

there’s not much (7) ... traffic. It’s much more (8) ... here than in the city. Everyone knows each

other and if someone has (9) ..., there are always people who can help. There aren’t (10) ...

things I don’t like (11)... Asuka. One thing is that there’s not (12)... to do in the evening- we haven’t

got any (13) ... or theaters. (14)... problem is that people always talk about every one and they almost

know (15)... every one else is doing. (16) ... those facts, I still prefer village life to life in a big city.

Complete the letter by writing ONE SUITABLE VERB in each space. A contraction (don’t) counts as one

word (0.9pt)

Dear Tom,

Well, this time next week you’ll be somewhere in Europe on a train. I’m sure any mum would (17)...!

Actually, you’re very lucky. I’d love to be able to go off around the world. I often wish I (18) ... traveled

more when I was younger. I really hope you (19)... yourself, but do be careful, won’t you? You’re only 18

after all. Do take care with your money, won’t you? And I’d rather you (20)...spend too many nights in

your tent alone. It’s so dangerous. I suggest you only (21)... your tent in a proper campsite.

I wish you(22) ... going quite so soon. It’s a pity you (23)... stay until after Dad’s 50


birthday. But never mind. I wish Dad (24)...be at the airport to see you off, but he’s got some really

important business that day.

Suppose we (25)... out to see you in June. Just a thought. Anyway, just remember, if you get into

any trouble, we’re only a phone call anyway, and come what may , we’ll always be there for you.

Love, Mum

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow by circling A, B, C, D to indicate your

answer. ( 1 pt)


In the decade of the 1970s, the United Nations organized several important meeting on the human

environment to study a very serious problem. We humans are destroying the world around us. We are using up all of

our natural resources. We must learn to conserve them, or life will be very bad for our children and our grandchildren.

There are several major parts to this problem.