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Read the passage below and answer questions (57 - 61) that follow based on your

understanding of the passage.

Interpersonal skills are generally referred to as the social skills one requires to effectively

communicate with others. These include delegation, persuasion, attentive listening, leadership,

and reflection, verbal and nonverbal communication. Interpersonal skills as the word suggests

are most often used in any given organization to measure a person’s capability to correspond

and convey information through social communication and interactions.

In a conflict situation good interpersonal skills play a pivotal role, as they can help to alleviate

the problem at hand. Interpersonal skills are developed with the interaction individuals

have with family members, attending school, socializing with peer groups etc. Good

interpersonal skills can aid in the reduction of stress, improving of social standing, augmenting

intimacy, resolving arguments, increasing understanding and spreading of joy and good

cheer all around. Some examples of interpersonal skills include communication skills i.e.

both listening and speaking effectively. Assertive skills include expression of thoughts without

violating other people’s rights.

A two-way communication is of prime importance in developing good interpersonal skills.

Listening skills form a vital part in the basis of interpersonal skills. One needs to pay close

attention and hear as to what the other person is saying. He can then only process the

information being relayed, decipher it and formulate a cogent response. The next most

important element is called negotiation. This type of skill is fundamental for business

communication. It literally means that a person has the ability to discuss the matter at hand

and then reach an agreement in a professional way..

Effective communication forms the basis of everything in life, be it business or personal

relationships. It is seen that those who are lacking in interpersonal skills are more incompetent,

less qualified and therefore less attractive personality wise. They are not cut out to be leaders

and will never be able to make progress as a consequence. Interpersonal skills are like tangible

assets that can help people build stronger relationships, rapports and credibility in any

organisation. Furthermore they can help in the attainment of respectability and recognition

amongst peers, and not only that good interpersonal skills can influence and motivate people

to aspire for leadership positions. A person with good interpersonal skills would naturally

have more charisma and therefore he would be able to earn more financial rewards as

compared with someone who lacks such skills.