2005) to perform combined analyses of readers’

ure 1b) is somewhat wider than (but still quite

rating and response times. The analyses showed

similar to) the distribution of differences for

that when the difference between authors’ and

readers’ ratings was ≤1and the response time

whole reviews. The distribution of differences

for second sentences is the widest of the three

much shorter than average (<14.1 sec), then

(Figure 1c).

96% of the sentences were last sentences. Due

Pearson correlation coefficient calculations

to the small sample size, we cautiously infer

(Table 1) show that both the correlation be-

that last sentences express polarity better than

tween authors’ ratings and readers’ rating for

second sentences, bearing in mind that the sec-

whole reviews and the correlation between au-

ond sentence in our experiment represents any

thors’ rating and readers’ rating upon reading

other sentence in the text except for the first

the last sentence are similar, while the correla-


tion between authors’ rating and readers


We also predicted that hesitation in making a

when presented with the second sentence of

decision would effect not only latency times but

each review is significantly lower. Moreover,

also mouse trajectories. Namely, hesitation will

when correlating readers’ rating of whole re-

be accompanied by moving the mouse here and

views with readers’ rating of single sentences,

there, while decisiveness will show a firm

the correlation coefficient for last sentences is

movement. However, no such difference be-

significantly higher than for second sentences.

tween the responses to last sentences or to sec-

As for the biometric measurements per-

ond sentences appeared in our analysis; most

formed in the second experiment, since all sub-

subjects laid their hand still while reading the

jects were computer-skilled, hesitation revealed

texts and while reflecting upon their answers.

through mouse-movements was assumed to be

They moved the mouse only to rate the texts.

attributed to difficulty of decision-making rather

6 Conclusions and Future Work

than to problems in operating the mouse. As

previously stated, we recorded mouse latency

In 2 psycholinguistic and psychophysical ex-

times following the reading of the texts up until

periments, we showed that rating whole cus-

clicking the mouse. Mouse latency times were

tomer-reviews as compared to rating final sen-

not normalized for each subject due to the lim-

tences of these reviews showed an (expected)

ited number of results. However, the average

insignificant difference. In contrast, rating whole

latency time is shorter for last sentences

customer-reviews as compared to rating second

(19.61±12.23s) than for second sentences

sentences of these reviews, showed a consider-

(22.06±14.39s). Indeed, the difference between

able difference. Thus, instead of focusing on

latency times is not significant, as a paired t-test

whole texts, computational linguists should focus

could not reject the null hypothesis that those

on the last sentences for efficient and accurate

automatic polarity-classification. Indeed, last but

distributions have equal means, but might show

some tendency.

definitely not least!

We also used the WizWhy software (Meidan,

We are currently running experiments that


a b c

300250200150Counts100500-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5Rating Difference (Authors' rating - Readers' rating)

Figure 1. Histograms of the rating differences between the authors of reviews and their

readers: for whole reviews (a), for last sentence only (b), and for second sentence only (c).

Readers’ star rating of: Correlated with: Pearson Correlation Coefficient (P<0.0001)

Authors’ star rating

Whole reviews 0.7891

of whole reviews

Last sentences 0.7616


Second sentences

Readers’ star rating

Last sentences 0.8463

of whole reviews 0.6563

Table 1. Pearson Correlation Coefficients

include hundreds of subjects in order to draw a

ence and Reference Accessibility ed. J. Gundel and T. Fretheim, 113-140. Amsterdam: Benja-

profile of polarity evolvement throughout cus-


tomer reviews. Specifically, we present our sub-

jects with sentences in various locations in cus-

Kieras, David E. 1978. Good and Bad Structure in

tomer reviews asking them to rate them. As the

Simple Paragraphs: Effects on Apparent Theme,

expanded experiment is not psychophysical, we

Reading Time, and Recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 17:13-28.

added an additional remote radio button named

“irrelevant” where subjects can judge a given

Kieras, David E. 1980. Initial Mention as a Cue to the

text as lacking any evident polarity. Based on the

Main Idea and the Main Item of a Technical Pas-

rating results we will draw polarity profiles in

sage. Memory and Cognition 8:345-353.

order to see where, within customer reviews, po-

Lin, Chen-Yew, and Hovy, Edward. 1997. Identifying

larity is best manifested and whether there are

Topic by Position. Paper presented at Proceeding

other “candidates” sentences that would serve as

of the Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Lan-

useful polarity indicators. The profiles will be

guage Processing, San Francisco.

used as a feature in our computational analysis.

Meidan, Abraham. 2005. Wizsoft's WizWhy. In The


Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Hand-book, eds. Oded Maimon and Lior Rokach,

We thank Prof. Rachel Giora and Prof. Ido Da-