Câu 25. As one of________ blockbusters, "Avengers: Infinity War" will be worldwide released on April 27, 2018. A. a B. an C. the D. x Choose the correct option among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space. Jazz, (26)_______ or classical are terms frequently used to distinguish between different "genres" of music, but they could also be described as (27)_______ "styles". In that sense, "style" would denote the more general and "genre" the more specific characteristics of the music concerned. Be that as it may, it is helpful to regard "genre" as a description of the social function of music. It is also important to understand that when one likes a piece of music, when it becomes meaningful to a particular person, some of the meaning of that song will inhere in the style or genre in (28)_______ it is composed or performed. If I am (29)_______ jazz and loathe heavy metal then that preference will make me (30)_______ a particular song in the genre of heavy metal regardless of whether it is a good song or not. Source: