10." If you are not stop at the red light, you . the law." …

The end

Test for reviewI. Fill each of the blanks in the passage with one suitable word:With the coming of the motor car at the end of the last century a new era in personal transport was born. The early motorist certainly (1)…had his problems- perhaps the biggest one being (2) whether his vehicle would start or not. This problem has almost (3) disappeared/vanished/ended today but others have (4) taken its place. More traffic and faster vehicles mean that, (5) however safe and reliable a car may be, its driver has to have (6) gained/acquired/much/far/lots more driving skill than ever before.Today's drivers cannot neglect their own direct and personal (7) responsibility for the accidents that happen on the road every year. A good driver has many things (8) in his make- up. Some of (9) them, such as experience and skill, will come only in (10) time, but others - just as important - must (11) form/be part of him from the start. These qualities are a (12) sense/feeling of responsibility for the safety of others, a determination to (13) concentrate/focus on the job of driving, patience and courtesy. Together, these become what is generally known (14) as the drivers' attitude.(15) not everyone is patient (16) by nature or gifted with good (17) power concentration. But because attitude is (18) so important a part of safe driving, every driver must (19) make a real effort to develop these qualities - and this effort must start from the (20) very beginning of the first driving lesson.II. Rewrite the sentences with the same neanings: