8. Should you agree to help us with the housework, we (finish) ...everything on. PART D: READING COMPREHENSION (30 pts) Question I: Read the following passage and fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word to complete it (10pts) Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper. Do you know that nature recycles, too? One of the nature (1) _______ is water. Water goes from oceans, lakes, and rivers into the air. Water falls from the air as (2) _______ or snow. Rain and snow eventually find their way back to the oceans. Nature’s recycling program for water is (3) _______ the water cycle. The water cycle has four stages: storage, evaporation, precipitation, and runoff. Water on Earth gets stored in oceans, lakes, rivers, ice, and even underground. Water goes from storage into the atmosphere by a process called (4)______ . When water evaporates, it changes from a liquid (5) _______ a gas, called water vapor. Water vapor goes up into (6) _______ atmosphere. Water returns to the Earth as precipitation in rain or snow by changing into drops of water when the air (7) _______ cold enough. Clouds are collections of water droplets. Most precipitation falls into the oceans and goes right back into storage. Water that falls (8)_______ land always flows from (9) _______ places to lower ones. This flow is called runoff. Water from land flows into streams. Streams join (10) _______ to make rivers and eventually the water flows into storage in the oceans. Then the water cycle starts all over again. Question II: Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (10 pts) It is easy in these days for a boy or a girl to have a book to enjoy. Today books are light and (1) . . . Try to imagine a time when there were no books. There was (2) . . . . . . . .. . a time. When man first began to draw, he used the walls of his caves; later he made marks on (3) . . . . . . . other objects such as large pieces of stone and bricks of clay. (4) . . . time, man thought of using the smooth sides of animal hides to write on. You see, paper did not yet exist. Without paper, books (5) . . . we know them could not be made. Paper was first produced by the Egyptian many hundreds of years ago. At that time there grew in the valley of the Nile River in Egypt a reedy plant (6) . . . the papyrus. In endeavoring to find material suitable (7) . . . writing, the Egyptian found a (8) . . . . . . to use this plant. The stem of the plant, especially its center or pith, was cut up and laid out in layers which were processed by soaking, pounding, and drying into thin, flexible, writing (9) . . . . . . A wonderful development of great importance to mankind had been (10) . . .