NO, THEY DON’T. ; 2. CLASSES START AT 8.30. ; 3. THE...

1.No, they don’t. ; 2. Classes start at 8.30. ; 3. They have snacks and drinksII. Write T or F 1.F ; 2.TD.WRITE : (Tổng số 2,5 điểm Tùy theo cách viết mà cho điểm như : chính tả ,ngữ pháp ,vận dụng từ vựng…)Suggested writing :Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai at work . Firstly , the ao dai encourages Vietnamese women to feel proud of the traditions and coustoms of the country . Secondly , wearing the ao dai makes them more beautiful and charming . We know that the beauty of Vietnamese women in the ao dai has been mentioned a lot in poems , stories and songs for centuries . Finally, wearing the ao dai is very practical . When they go to work , they do not think of what to wear every day . In conclusion , when going to work , Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai .