25. _______ is one of the biggest businesses in the world. (Advertise)

IV. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word

The search (26) _______ alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communi- ties

are burning garbage (27) _______other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste

products to gases or oil (28) _______ also an efficient way to dispose of waste.

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels (29) _______ coal, oil, shale and coal tars.

However that process (30) _______ proved to be expensive. Other experiments that are underway to

harness power with giant windmills are also (31) _______ tested.

Some experts expect utility companies to receive hydroelectric power (32) _______ from streams and

rivers. Fifty years (33) _______ hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United

States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans are another potential sources of energy. Scientists

are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides and waves (34) _______ electricity.

Experiments are also underway to make use (35) _______ temperature differences in ocean water to

produce energy.

V. Read the passage carefully and then choose the correct answers.

Nowadays many products are nearly identical to one another in quality and price. If products are almost

the same, what makes consumers buy one brand instead of another? Although we may not like to admit it,

commercials on television and advertisements in newspapers and manaziges probably influence us much

more than we think they do.

Advertising informs consumers about new products availalble on the market. It gives us information

about everything. However; there is one problem with this. The "information" is actually very often

misinformation. It tells us the products benefits but hide their disadvantages. Advertising not only leads us

to buy things that we do not need or cannot afford but also confuses our sense of reality.

Advertisers use many methods to get us to buy their products. One of their most successful methods is to

make us feel dissatisfied with ourselves and our imperfect lives. They get psychologists to study the way

consumers think and their reasons for choosing one brand instead of another. Psychologists have found that

certain colors on the package of an attractive product will cause people to reach out and take that package

instead of buying an identical product with different colors. Also, certain words attract our attention. For

example, the words "new", "improved", "natural", and "giant size" are very popular and seem to draw our

eyes and hands toward the package.

Many consumers believe that advertising does not affect them. They feel that they have freedom of

choice, and they like to think they make wise choices. Unfortunately, they probably do not realize the

powerful effect of advertising. Every year, advertisers spend billions of dollars inaggressive competition for

consumers money and they are very successful.